Mario vs. Sonic: The Movie (2025)* brings fans an electrifying crossover that pits two beloved gaming icons against each other in a high-stakes battle for their respective worlds. The story begins with Dr. Eggman and Bowser forming an alliance, combining their evil genius and power to create a rift between the Mushroom Kingdom and Green Hill Zone. Their ultimate goal is to conquer both worlds and harness their unique energies for domination.
Mario, voiced by Chris Pratt, and Sonic, voiced by Ben Schwartz, initially clash due to misunderstandings and rivalry. However, as their worlds face destruction, the two heroes reluctantly team up to defeat the combined forces of their foes. The film delivers intense action sequences, emotional moments of teamwork, and nostalgic Easter eggs that fans of both franchises will adore.
The movie was produced with a staggering $200 million budget, making it one of the most expensive video game adaptations to date. From state-of-the-art animation to breathtaking visual effects, every dollar is evident in its stunning execution. Early projections estimate the film’s worldwide gross could exceed $1 billion, further cementing Mario and Sonic’s legendary status not just in gaming, but in cinematic history as well.
The most famous collaboration between Mario and Sonic comes from the Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games series, where the two iconic video game characters, Mario from Nintendo and Sonic from Sega, compete against each other and other characters in Olympic-themed events. These games are centered around friendly competition, offering various sports and mini-games.
Additionally, Mario and Sonic have made appearances in crossovers in games like Super Smash Bros., where players can control either character and compete against one another.
There hasn’t been an official full-length movie solely dedicated to a Mario vs. Sonic rivalry, but fans often imagine the two in such battles due to their longstanding status as competitors in the gaming world. If you’re referring to something specific, like an animated short or fan-made content, please provide more details!