The Barbarian and the Troll 2025 Coming


The Barbarian and the Troll is a 2025 fantasy-comedy television series that blends puppetry with live-action. The show follows a tough and somewhat grumpy barbarian named Tulin, voiced by actor and writer Mike Mitchell, and his sidekick, an optimistic and naïve troll named Brendar, voiced by actor and comedian Colleen Smith.

The Barbarian and the Troll (2021) | MUBI

Tulin, on a quest to save his village, reluctantly teams up with Brendar, a talking, mischievous troll who dreams of a life beyond the caves where trolls typically reside. Together, they encounter various mythical creatures, face challenges, and develop a bond as they learn from each other. The show is a mix of humor, adventure, and heart, drawing inspiration from classic fantasy tropes while incorporating quirky, lighthearted elements. The puppet work is done in a stylized, often whimsical manner, giving it a unique and charming feel.

NickALive!: The Barbarian and the Troll | Cast & Crew Interviews |  Nickelodeon

While the series has a fantasy backdrop with typical swords and sorcery, its charm lies in the quirky interactions between Tulin and Brendar, with humor often derived from the contrast between the gruff barbarian and the overly friendly, naive troll.

The Barbarian and The Troll - Sorozatjunkie

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