Daddy’s Little Girls 2025 romantic drama film directed by Tyler Perry. The story follows the life of Monty (played by Idris Elba), a hard-working mechanic and single father who is struggling to gain custody of his three daughters. His ex-wife, who is involved with an abusive boyfriend and living in a dangerous environment, is unfit to care for the children.
Monty enlists the help of Julia (played by Gabrielle Union), a successful, high-powered attorney who comes from a privileged background. Despite her initial reluctance to take on the case, Julia eventually agrees, and the two begin to form a bond both professionally and personally.
The film addresses themes of family, love, resilience, and the challenges of balancing personal life with the pursuit of justice. As Monty fights for his daughters, the film also delves into his past relationships, his desire to provide a better life for his children, and the blossoming romance between Monty and Julia.
Daddy’s Little Girls mixes elements of romance and family drama while promoting messages of empowerment, redemption, and the importance of family unity.