After Earth 2 (2025) is a science fiction film directed by M. Night Shyamalan, starring Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith. The movie is set in a distant future where Earth has become uninhabitable due to environmental disasters. Humans have relocated to a new planet, and Earth is now a dangerous, wild place.
The plot centers around a father, Cypher Raige (Will Smith), and his son, Kitai Raige (Jaden Smith). Cypher is a high-ranking officer in the Earth’s military, and Kitai is a young cadet trying to prove himself. While on a mission, their spaceship crashes on Earth, leaving the two stranded. Cypher is injured, and Kitai must navigate the hostile environment alone to find a way to signal for help and save both of them.
As Kitai tries to reach the emergency beacon, he faces various challenges, including aggressive wildlife and the planet’s natural hazards. He also struggles with self-doubt and fear, but his journey becomes one of personal growth as he learns the importance of overcoming his fears and becoming a capable leader, like his father. The movie explores themes of survival, the bond between father and son, and self-discovery.
The film received mixed reviews, with some praising the visual effects and the performances of the lead actors, but others critiquing its plot and pacing.