*Soul* 2(2025) is an animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures in 2020. Directed by Pete Docter, the film explores deep philosophical questions about life, purpose, and the afterlife, with a unique and heartwarming story.
The film follows **Joe Gardner**, a middle-aged music teacher who dreams of becoming a professional jazz musician. He is passionate about music, but his life feels unfulfilled as he struggles to make his dream a reality. After an accident, Joe’s soul is separated from his body and travels to the *Great Before*, a mystical realm where souls are prepared for life on Earth.
In the Great Before, Joe meets **22**, a young soul who has no interest in living on Earth and has been waiting for eons to find her “spark,” the purpose that would make her ready for life. As Joe tries to return to his body, he accidentally ends up mentoring 22, helping her discover her own unique purpose. Meanwhile, Joe reflects on his own life and whether his singular focus on his dream has allowed him to fully appreciate the richness of his existence.
*Soul* explores themes like passion, identity, and the importance of appreciating the small moments in life. The movie delves into the idea that life’s meaning isn’t necessarily tied to grand achievements, but can be found in simple experiences and human connections. It blends vibrant, imaginative animation with soulful jazz music, making for an emotional and thought-provoking viewing experience.
The film was praised for its stunning animation, thought-provoking narrative, and its ability to address deep existential questions in a family-friendly manner. It won several awards, including the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.