The Incredibles 3 (2025) , directed by Brad Bird, is an animated superhero film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Set in a world where superheroes are outlawed, the film follows the Parr family, each of whom has their own superpowers.
The story centers around Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible), who was once a celebrated superhero but now leads a mundane life in suburban retirement after the government banned all superheroes. Despite trying to live a normal life with his wife Helen (Elastigirl) and their three children – Violet (who can turn invisible and create force fields), Dash (who is super fast), and Jack-Jack (whose powers are unknown at the start) – Bob secretly longs for the action-packed days of his past.
When Bob is secretly contacted by a mysterious figure, Syndrome, who offers him the chance to come out of retirement for a dangerous mission, he takes the bait. However, it’s a trap, and Syndrome plans to use Bob’s heroic legacy to create a robot capable of defeating superheroes, which will allow him to become a “superhero” himself. As the family is pulled back into the action, they must come together to defeat Syndrome, saving not just their family but the world from destruction.
The movie explores themes of family, identity, and the balance between individual desires and the responsibilities of family life. It also delves into issues like the loss of personal freedom, the importance of teamwork, and being true to oneself.
The Incredibles combines action, humor, and heart, making it a unique and beloved film that appeals to both children and adults. It was praised for its animation, storytelling, and exploration of superhero tropes. The success of the film led to the release of a sequel, Incredibles 2, in 2018.