Sky High 2 (2025)


Sky High 2 (2025) superhero comedy film directed by Mike Mitchell. Set in a world where superheroes are real, the movie follows the story of Will Stronghold, the teenage son of two renowned superheroes—Commander, who has super strength and speed, and Jetstream, who can fly and has incredible agility. Despite his prestigious lineage, Will doesn’t initially have any superpowers of his own, which makes him anxious as he heads off to Sky High, a high school specifically for young superheroes.

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At Sky High, students are divided into two groups: Heroes, who have powers, and Sidekicks, who do not. Will is placed in the Sidekick class, which makes him feel even more insecure about his future. He befriends a group of other “sidekicks,” including the nerdy and quirky Ethan. However, Will soon discovers that he is more than he seems when he begins to unlock his latent powers, including the ability to fly and incredible strength.

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The plot thickens when the villainous student, Warren Peace, the son of a former villain, begins to hatch a plot to take down the school. As Will embraces his powers, he must choose to stand up as a true hero, overcome his doubts, and protect the school from impending danger.

The film is light-hearted and focuses on themes of self-acceptance, identity, and the idea that heroism is about more than just power—it’s about character and making the right choices. It features a mix of comedy, action, and family-friendly fun, with a memorable cast including Michael Angarano (Will), Kurt Russell (Commander), and Kelly Preston (Jetstream).

Sky High Review | Movie - Empire


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