Rebel Ridge is a 2024 Netflix thriller directed by Jeremy Saulnier. The story centers on Terry Richmond (played by Aaron Pierre), a former Marine who uncovers and confronts deep-seated corruption in a small Southern town after an attempt to post bail for his cousin leads to a deadly standoff with the local police chief, Sandy Burnne (Don Johnson). Themes of systemic racism, abuse of power, and police corruption are explored with sharp commentary and intense action sequences.
The film blends edge-of-your-seat action with thought-provoking social commentary. Its standout moments include tense, well-choreographed standoffs and a dark sense of humor typical of Saulnier’s works, like *Green Room* and *Blue Ruin*. The character-driven narrative showcases Terry’s resourcefulness and determination, making for a gripping watch.
The movie was released on Netflix on September 6, 2024, after a challenging production process that included cast changes and delays.