Jurassic World (2015) is a science fiction adventure film and the fourth installment in the *Jurassic Park* franchise, directed by Colin Trevorrow. The story takes place 22 years after the events of Jurassic Park* (1993), on the fictional island of Isla Nublar, where a fully functional dinosaur theme park, *Jurassic World*, has been built. The park is now a major tourist attraction, featuring genetically engineered dinosaurs in a controlled environment.
The film focuses on **Claire Dearing** (played by Bryce Dallas Howard), the park’s operations manager, and **Owen Grady** (played by Chris Pratt), a former Navy veteran who trains velociraptors. Claire’s nephews, **Zach** (Nick Robinson) and **Gray** (Ty Simpkins), are visiting the park when things go awry. To boost attendance and excitement, the park’s scientists create a new hybrid dinosaur, **Indominus rex**, by combining the DNA of multiple species, including a T. rex and a raptor. However, the creature proves to be far more intelligent, dangerous, and uncontrollable than anticipated, causing havoc throughout the park.
As the Indamines rex escapes and wreaks destruction on the island, Claire, Owen, and other survivors must find a way to stop the creature before it destroys the park and kills everyone. The film builds to an action-packed climax with a dramatic showdown involving the T. rex and the Indominus rex, as well as the raptors.
*Jurassic World* blends action, adventure, and suspense with special effects to showcase thrilling dinosaur chases and battles. It explores themes of corporate greed, the dangers of genetic engineering, and mankind’s ongoing struggle to control nature. The movie also pays homage to the original *Jurassic Park* while introducing new characters and a modernized setting.
The film was a massive box-office success, becoming the fourth highest-grossing film of all time at the time of its release. It also launched a new trilogy, followed by *Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom* (2018) and *Jurassic World: Domini